Sunday Services
Please join us for our Sunday mornings services. You have three (3) ways to enjoy them:
- Join us in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings
- Enjoy the live stream of the service on our Facebook page from the comfort of your home (click HERE)
- Enjoy the video of the service any time through the links below
Come for Meditation at 9:30 am and our uplifting Sunday service at 10:00 am.
You can expect an inspiring message, special music by guest musicians, and the energy of like-minded people. Following the service, stay for food and fellowship in Papke Hall.
Watch the videos of the Sunday services: 2025 Video Services & Messages | 2024 | 2023 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 2017 | 2016 | 2015
To view more videos, visit our YouTube Channel – HERE.
2025-02-24: The Mystical Path with Dr. Kay Fontana, Thursdays, March 13 – April 24, 2025 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. $80 Click HERE for details.
2025-02-24: Seeds of Love – A Course in Gardening with Kathy Bradford, Sunday, March 9th after service in Papke Hall. Create a beautiful garden that enriches your mind, body, and soul! $20 love offering.
2025-01-21: WVCSL Women’s Day Retreat, Saturday, February, 22nd, 2025. Click HERE from more information.
- Class: Introduction to Science of Mind with Rev. Karen Rice, Wednesday, February 5, 2025 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. Free
- Class: Foundations with Rev. Karen Rice, Wednesdays, February 12 – April 9, 2025 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. $65
2025-01-20: WVCSL Annual Business Meeting will be held Sunday, February 16th after service (around 11:30). This meeting is required to be attended by a minimum number of congregants to meet a quorum in order to proceed. For this reason, it is important that as many congregants as possible make an effort to attend.
2024-12-30: 40-Day Prosperity Spiritual Practice. For more information about this daily Prosperity Spiritual Practice, click HERE.
2024-09-12: Join Kay Fontana, certified Sound & Vibration Therapy Practitioner, on the 4th Sunday of each month after service (11:30 am) for a sound healing meditation experience. Bring mat, pillows, and/or blankets to be comfortable. Suggested love offering: $10.
2024-09-12: Foundations class with Rev. Karen is starting Wednesday, September 18th at 1:30 for 9 weeks. Class is $65 and the sign-up sheet is in the bookstore.
2024-07-16: Awakening the Love Within-Sound Healing Meditation. 4th Sunday of each month. Click HERE for details.
2024-04-09: New Calendar events-Rummage Sale; Men’s Retreat; Wellness Wednesdays. Check the calendar for details.
2024-04-04: A Spiritual Pilgrimage for Holy Week. Thirteen spiritual stations were decorated in the WVCSL Sanctuary…Click HERE to see the picture.
2020-11-06: New Video Tutorial on How to Use Facebook. Click HERE to see the video.
2020-07-04: Zoom 101– How to Use Zoom Video Conferencing. Watch this tutorial video by Beverly Strutt, RScP, on how to get started using the Zoom Video Conferencing Software. Click HERE to view the link to the video.
Live on FaceBook:
Sunday Service, 10:00 am
Inspiring Minds Gathering Place (conference call) with Rev. Paula Warren – (open to all)
Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays from 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Please call and leave a message for Paula 623-933-0339 for further details. Information about the new conference call number is forthcoming.
Discussion Group: A Course In Miracles with Mark Reed (open to all)
Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting: pwd=aGMxbmVSUi85RUsvRGJmcWJMUlhYUT09
with Meeting ID and Passcode:
Meeting ID: 495 515 4903
Passcode: 123456
By Phone: 669 444 9171
Thursday Book Study: The Gifts of Imperfection by, Brené Brown Ph.D. with Nancee Noel (open to all)
Thursday from 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Call-in: 669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 828 6840 8615# Password: 946899
Online Study Group: Journey through the Science of Mind Textbook with Rev. Clyde (open to all)
Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Phone: 929-436-2866 Meeting ID: 230 856 471
Conversations in Consciousness with Rev. Cheryl Hawkins (open to all)
Thursdays at 12:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Call-in: 929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 946 617 542# and then press # again
Get Involved
Our spiritual community offers a variety of programs, groups, classes, workshops and volunteer opportunities to assist and serve your spiritual growth and development. Below are some of the current opportunities. We encourage you to explore ways that are most comfortable to you. For more information about any of these activities, or to find out how to volunteer, please contact Cheryl Kauper in the WVCSL office at 623-972-3205.
We also encourage you to consider joining WVCSL as a member. Rev. Karen has occasional informal meetings where you can learn more about the Center and ways to get involved–including membership. You can also make a copy of the form below (or pick up a copy in the bookstore) and turn it in to the office. If you have questions, feel free to contact any board member or practitioner for additional information.
Click here for the Membership Form
Links & Partnerships
West Valley Center for Spiritual Living is dedicated to the message of inclusivity and creating a world that works for All. This message is nothing short of the deep embodiment of our Universal Spiritual principles as expressed in New Thought and Ancient Wisdom on which we were founded.
To that end, we are committed to working collaboratively with individuals and agencies that promote and support the message of inclusivity, deep engagement and taking responsibility for creating the world we envision.
Click on the logos below to go to our partner sites.
Centers for Spiritual Living, our parent affiliation organization, provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and make the world a better place. At Centers for Spiritual Living, we actively encourage a way of life that honors all paths to God, and we are an open spiritual teaching that enables people to define and live with a personal relationship with God.
AmazonSmile: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization.
On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select West Valley Center for Spiritual Living as the charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. After that, Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at AmazonSmile will result in a donation.
Fry’s Community Rewards Program: West Valley Center for Spiritual Living participates in the Fry’s Community Rewards Program. If you have a VIP rewards account with the store (the tag that you use for discounted prices and gas rewards), you can go to, and add WVCSL as your charity of choice. The company gives a percentage of sales back to the Center each quarter. (Participation is free and does not change any of the rewards you currently receive.)
To enroll:
1) Go to
2) If you do not have a Fry’s VIP rewards card, click to register; if you do have a card, click on “Enroll Now”
3) Log in
4) Enter the WVCSL id # PM845
5) Click on enroll
6) Go shop!
Peoria Chamber of Commerce: West Valley Center for Spiritual Living is a member of the Peoria Chamber of Commerce.