Peoria, AZ 85345 | (623) 972-3205


Our spiritual community offers a host of ministry programs, affinity groups, classes, workshops and volunteer areas to assist and serve your spiritual growth and development.

For more information about any of these programs, visit our tables at “Holmes’ Base” in the bookstore before or after service on Sundays. You may also connect with the contact person listed on Sunday or leave a message with the office.

Be sure to watch our calendar for ongoing programs and meeting times.

A Course in Miracles

Will you choose love or fear? The miracle lies in our choice to shift our perception. Conversations:

  • Fridays, 2:00 – 3:30 pm with Kathirose Crawford on Zoom

Conversations in Consciousness

Conversations in Consciousness with Rev. Cheryl Hawkins
Bring any question you have on the topic of Science of Mind principles and how they apply to your daily life.

  • Thursdays, 12:00 – 1:30 pm on Zoom

Thursday Book Study

We meet every Thursday from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm on Zoom.  All are welcome to join in the discussion whether you have had a chance to read the book or not. If you have any questions, please contact Dianne Carter.

  • Thursdays at 11:00 a.m.

Practitioner Services

Trained and licensed Practitioners are available for prayer support every Sunday after the service; and for private appointments.

To schedule a private appointment, click here for a list of licensed practitioners. You may also drop your confidential prayer request into the prayer box located in the Sanctuary or in the bookstore. If you would like prayers from the community, post your request on the magnetic wall in the sanctuary.

(Practitioners are bound by a strict Code of Ethics which requires them to serve you on a confidential basis. The Practitioner, who does not advise, will listen to your description of the conditions you are experiencing and through inquiry will determine first cause. This cause is the belief at work that is creating your current effects. The Practitioner will then assist you in reversing the limiting thought, and through Spiritual Mind Treatment will set the changes in motion.)

Compassionate Care Team

The Compassionate Care Team is a pastoral arm of the WVCSL. To support the prayerful, pastoral care outreach of Rev. Karen and the Practitioners, this group, after undergoing training, provides in person visits, phone calls and cards, in service to the WVCSL community. The WVCSL is a family and the Compassionate Care Team is one of the ways we care for our family. Contact the Office for more information.

Projects of Love Committee

WVCSL is a tithing community. The POL Committee was created to seek avenues to give which reflect our stated values. Contact the Office for more information. 

Kitchen Angels

Every Sunday, following service, we enjoy food and fellowship in Papke Hall. The Kitchen Angels coordinate, set-up and clean-up for these and other social gatherings at the Center. For more information, contact Karen Feess.

West Valley Food Bank Donations

We accept donations for the Valley View Community Food Bank. Baskets are at Papke Hall. Items are delivered to the food bank the first or second week of each month. Please avoid glass containers.

Divine Dudes Monthly Breakfast

The Divine Dudes have breakfast with each other the second Saturday of the month at 9 am at the Brothers Family Restaurant – 8466 W Peoria Ave #1, Peoria, AZ 85345.   All men who attend services at the WVCSL are welcome! We’ve been averaging 8-10 dudes and would to see that number increase to 12-15 or more!

  • Second Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.

Dining with the Dudes

The “Dudes” prepare, setup and cleanup on these Sundays and it is always a great culinary treat. Contact John Kruger if you have any questions. Ladies may contribute also.

  • Second Sundays at 9:00 a.m.

Family Potluck

On the 5th Sunday of appropriate months, all are welcome to bring in a dish for the family potluck.

  • Fifth Sundays of appropriate months

WVCSL Bookstore

New books are always arriving. Stop in and check out our selection of CDs, books and a variety of handcrafted gift items. We can special order items. Required textbooks for classes are discounted. We also sell CDs of the Sunday Services for $5.

WVCSL Thrift Store

Open for shopping and accepting clean donations that do not need repair:

  • The Thrift Store is currently going through great changes. Volunteer opportunities are also available! Anyone interested is encouraged to contact Kathirose Crawford for more details.

Watch for the sign on the street.  Check in regularly for new finds.  Questions?  Call the office at 623-972-3205.

Lending Library

The Reverend Joan Tomlinson Memorial Lending Library is available for your enjoyment. It is located on the second floor of the Center at the end of the hallway. The shelves are loaded with a wonderful variety of books, tapes, and CDs, all related to New Thought or generally spiritual in nature.

Resources Available

Remember to check the “Business Corner” in Papke Hall for information on outside services and resources.