Peoria, AZ 85345 | (623) 972-3205

Spiritual Support Team

We are here for you!

We believe “With God, all things are possible.”
Practitioners are your partners in prayer. Talk to a practitioner if you are in need of inspiration, celebration of a major event in your life or healing in any area: financial, relational, health or career. You are God’s wondrous gift. Let a Practitioner remind you of that!
To contact us, you can submit a prayer request here, or email us at


Practitioners provide professional services

Licensed practitioners are the praying arm of the church. Having completed two years of advanced study, practitioners are professionally licensed to work with individuals to support them in connecting with and living from their highest selves.

Practitioners are bound by a strict Code of Ethics which requires them to serve you on a confidential basis. The Practitioner, who does not advise, will listen to your description of the conditions you are experiencing and through inquiry will determine first cause. This cause is the belief at work that is creating your current effects. The Practitioner will then assist you in reversing the limiting thought, and through Spiritual Mind Treatment will set the changes in motion.

Practitioners are available for prayer immediately following Sunday service or for private paid sessions by appointment.

Suggested minimum for licensed practitioners is $35. Suggested minimum for ministers is $50. Intern practitioners do not charge for services.

No one is ever denied prayer work for inability to pay.

You may also drop your confidential prayer request into the prayer box located in the Sanctuary or in the bookstore. If you would like prayers from the community, post your request on the magnetic wall in the sanctuary.

Judy Baker, RScP Emeritus

"It is my delight to seek and support the Light of Spirit in others."

My precious Mother was my spiritual guide. She taught me to love God; how to pray; to practice non-judgement; and the consciousness of gratitude.  When I found Religious Science, I became aware that these principles paralleled with Dr. Holmes teachings.  I was hooked!  As I progressed through Science of Mind classes, I felt myself grow spiritually and it fed my soul.  I knew I wanted to be a practitioner. The bonus was I learned to move forward in my life without fear.  I learned to trust.  I began living in Principle underpinned with a divine relationship with Spirit.  In my 20+ years as a practitioner I have seen miracles.  I have seen challenges and I have seen commendable growth in others. Most importantly I have become aware that I am here to be an example of the possibilities of good as we believe, trust, and use the power of prayer.


Dr. Kay Fontana, RScP


I found Religious Science after my husband and I experienced some challenging times and we realized our lives needed to change. I was guided to a book about a woman who changed her life using Science of Mind Principles which led us to the nearest Center where my husband and I attended in July 2010. The first day we attended, we knew we were home and had found what we had been seeking for many years. I was immediately called to be a practitioner.

I began my practitioner journey in September that year taking the Foundations class, and from that point forward we experienced many blessings from applying the Principles. I continued taking classes and became a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner in 2014 shortly after my mother made her transition. In 2019, I received my Ed.D. with my doctoral dissertation “Mindfulness and Compassion: A Phenomenological Study of Hospice Dementia Care Volunteers.” My research emerged from watching my mother walk the journey with Alzheimer’s while in hospice care. This further led me on the path to becoming a certified Grief Recovery Specialist and later a Life Force Coach, Sound & Vibration Healing Practitioner, Flow Form Qigong Instructor, and Meditation Instructor knowing that we can tap into that continuously flowing energy of which we are all made.

I am an authentic reflection of Spirit and a compassionate presence devoted to providing spiritual guidance and support, affirmative prayer, and heart-centered coaching. My services at WVCSL include managing the front office, offering meditation once a week, and a ministry that is devoted to helping individuals through the grieving process. After mourning the loss of my husband of 40 years after his transition in January 2023, I was called to return to helping individuals facing their own loss.


Cheryl Kauper, RScP

"I have taken a personal vow to be the best I can be in whatever situation arises; that I am dedicated to help people realize the truth of who they are in God and Spirit and to always work with and show up in truth and principle."

A very knowledgeable great-uncle of mine introduced me to Science of Mind when I was in late adolescence. We had the best conversations on spirituality that I can remember, and I was greatly inspired. I was studying world religions at the time, so it was natural that Science of Mind became a book I took to heart and studied. This was a primary book of study for many years and continues to be.

A friend brought me to the West Valley Center after I had surgery in January of 2010. I had been going through a lot of ups and downs in the preceding years and when I came to church on that Sunday, I felt I had found my home. I kept coming back and when a class was offered, I took it. Before I knew it, I had completed practitioner studies, passed my finals and the oral panel, and became devoted to this Center, the community, and the Science of Mind. I literally transformed because of this teaching.

My ministry at WVCSL includes working with families to prepare a Celebration of Life Service for a loved one who has passed. To connect and communicate with those who have had a family member, partner or friend pass on is very important. To be involved with the program, the set up for the service and to deliver the eulogy as the Officiant is a huge honor for me. My goal is to ease loss and pain and to help remind them of the specialness of the person who is now passed on. Also, that there is no finality of death, only transformation of life.


Kathy Royer, RScP

"What would love do now?"

I found Science of Mind several years ago. I had started a spiritual journey and had an interest in New Thought for many years. It was suggested to me that I attend a service and I did. I felt so at home. I started classes and became a practitioner in 3 1/2 years.

This teaching enlarged my view of myself and the world I live in. I have been able to expand my consciousness and grow my God. I have learned how thoughts become things and how to pray using affirmative prayer.

I have been working with others for years to help them find a God of their understanding and forming a relationship with this God. I bring compassion, understanding, and non-judgment to the table. I am still open to learning and I work on my own journey every day.

Frequently, I work behind the scenes. I am always looking for ways to be of service and volunteer for opportunities to make whatever event we have going on to be a success. I work in the bookstore and am the lead for the greeters now. I also work one on one with others to find their spiritual Truth and to grow in that Truth. I am also working on a couple of weekend retreats for spiritual growth and a book study.


Rev. Sue Witter

"ancora imparo – I am still learning; docendo discimus – Teach in order to learn (we learn by teaching)"

My initial contact with New Thought and Religious Science came through the Terry Cole-Whittaker Ministries and the Robert Schuller Ministries in Southern California.  Once the Terry Cole-Whittaker Ministries was disbanded I was involved with an independent New Thought church and eventually moved to Religious Science churches in Huntington Beach and West Hollywood.  Over the years I’ve moved around the country and the world.  Some places had Religious Science churches, some had Unity churches while others had neither.  That was part of what prompted me to look at spirituality from many perspectives.  I’ve studied with many different teachers with a wide variety of specialties.  For more than 40 years I’ve studied world religions, psychology, sociology and philosophy, but the fundamental principles of Science of Mind have always been the fulcrum of my spiritual growth and development.

There is no area of my life that hasn’t been profoundly touched by the teachings of Religious Science.  I’ve gone from feeling completely out of control of almost everything in my life, to understanding the power of personal, intimate relationship with the Divine. I’ve learned that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can’t be changed through application of these principles. Understanding that I am always at choice about what I think and do has an amazing impact on my life.  Knowing that changing how I think and making new choices can change anything and everything has made an immeasurable difference in every aspect of my life.  Realizing that we all live in and have an equal opportunity to access the field of infinite possibilities has given me a profound experience of freedom.  All of that has happened because of the teachings of the Science of Mind.

I’ve learned not to see any part of me as broken. I’ve learned not to resist my humanity and embrace all that comes with it.  That, in turn, influences the gifts I bring and how I serve this community. Understanding that for myself, as well as for others has allowed me to see “it’s all good and it’s all God in a brand-new way. Knowing and sharing that understanding is a large part of the gifts I bring.

I love being a practitioner. I can kindly and gently nudge people out of their comfort (or discomfort) zone and to help people see their magnificence in all the ways they show up.  I also have a very straight forward, no nonsense approach to almost everything I do.  My deeply held belief that every individual, and in turn groups; have equal access to the field of infinite possibilities at every moment in time is an important part of what I bring to the Center.  We are always free to make a new choice if the conditions of our life are less than we want.  All of this greatly impacts how I approach being a member of leadership teams at the Center.  I understand there are an infinite number of ways and paths for God to unfold our good.  As a result, I’m able to look past individual agendas to stay open to all of the avenues, both known and unknown, for God’s Good to be made manifest in our lives and at the Center.  This Truth is essential to my service as the Ecclesiastical Coordinator focusing on ceremonial events, education and other activities at the Center.
